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Tallulah is a pretty name for baby girls. The name Tallulah is also a name with Native American ancestry. Read on to discover more about the name.

Meaning of the Name Tallulah

As a baby name, it’s believed that Tallulah has Native American origins and is Choctaw for “leaping water”. Tallulah is a name that seems to come from the Choctaw Nation, which is the third largest Indian Nation in the United States. Tallulah is a baby name that holds great symbolism with water. This gives the name Tallulah a spiritual feel, one that represents life and a willingness to let go and be free.

Cute asian 6 years old girl is thinking how to balance the wooden people model on the scale, concept of learn through play, montessori, homeschool, creativity, stem education and child development.

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Nicknames for Tallulah

Tallulah is a charming baby name that feels gentle, sweet, and kind. Feel free to come up with a nickname that best suits your child, but if you need some inspiration, we've compiled a fun list of nicknames:

  • Tally
  • Tula
  • Tallie
  • Lulu
  • LuLah
  • Tall

Tallulah Name Details

Style: Classic

Gender: Tallulah is more commonly used for girls

Pronunciation: Te-LOO-lah

Syllables: Three

Alternative Spelling for Tallulah

  • Talulla
  • Talula
  • Tallula

Tallulah Name Popularity

Tallulah is not a widely used baby name. According to the Social Security Administration, Tallulah has never made it to the list of the top 1000 popular baby names.

Concept of choosing a baby's name. Blackboard background with hand drawn magnifying glass.


Great Middle Names for Tallulah and Their Meanings

Famous People Named Tallulah

  • Tallulah Willis (daughter of American actors Bruce Willis and Demi Moore)
  • Tallulah Bankhead (American actress)
  • Tallulah Riley (British actress)
  • Tallulah Morton (Australian fashion model)
  • Tallulah (German-born British DJ)
  • Cousin Tallulah (character in the animated Disney film “Meet the Robinsons”)
  • Tallulah (character in the TV show “Tickety Toc”)
  • Tallulah (a chick character in the children’s book/shows “Maisy Mouse”)
  • Tallulah (singer in the musical movie “Bugsy Malone”)
  • “Tallulah” (a 2016 film)
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