Tatianna is a lively baby name for girls. It comes from ancient Rome, becoming popular in Russia shortly after. Tatianna is not as popular as the original, Tatiana, but it is on the top 12,000 list in America.
Meaning of the name Tatianna:
Latin: family name
Origin of the name Tatianna:
Tatianna is a spelling variation of the baby name Tatiana. The latter is the feminine form of the Roman Tatianus. Tatianus itself is a variation of the ancient name Tatius, the title of a third-century saint. It was originally a surname in ancient Rome.

Symbolism of the name Tatianna:
Tatianna means “family name” because it dates back to the ancient Roman name, Tatius. Tatius has an unknown origin, though it was originally a surname. It came from the Sabine culture, but the Romans turned it to Tatianus and Tatiana, a spelling variation of Tatianna.
Style of the name Tatianna:
Gender of the name Tatianna:
Tatianna is a spunky name for girls.
Pronunciation of the name Tatianna:
Number of syllables in the name Tatianna:
Emotion evoked from the name Tatianna:
Tatianna is an extroverted and fun-spirited baby name. It has a loud personality that will suit your daughter perfectly.
Alternative spellings for the name Tatianna:
Nicknames for the name Tatianna:
Popularity of the name Tatianna:
Tatianna was a top 1,000 baby name in America from 1994 to 2006. It began at number 994 and left at 960. Tatianna ranked highest in 1999 when it was on the top 800 list at rank 798. As of 2021, Tatianna is number 11,376 for girls.
Related names for the name Tatianna:
Great middle names for Tatianna and their meanings:
- Jane (God is gracious)
- Athena (goddess of wisdom)
- Leona (lion)
- Faith (complete trust, devotion)
- Brie (marshland, high, powerful)
- Cordelia (heart, daughter of the sea god)
- Lillian (lily)
- Isabella (God is my oath)
Famous people with the name Tatianna:
- Tatianna (stage name for Joey Santolini, drag queen)
- Tatianna Kern (model, reality TV star, “America's Next Top Model”)