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Baby Names




Toney is a unisex baby name of English origin that means “priceless one”. Toney is the diminutive of Anthony and Antonia. Toney is a vintage classic for boys and has a modern trendy sound for girls.

Meaning of the name Toney:

English: priceless one

Origin of the name Toney:

Toney is a unisex baby name of English origin that means “priceless one”. Toney is a diminutive of names such as Anthony and Antonia. Ultimately Toney derives from the Roman surname Antonius.

Symbolism of the name Toney:

Toney means “priceless one” and evokes symbols of precious treasures, riches and jewels, and items of personal sentimentality.

Style of the name Toney:


Gender of the name Toney:

Toney is a unisex baby name given to both boys and girls alike.

Pronunciation of the name Toney:


Number of syllables in the name Toney:


Emotion evoked from the name Toney:

Toney evokes feelings of pride and hard work.

Alternative spellings for the name Toney:

Tony, Toni, Tonie

Nicknames for the name Toney:

  • Ton
  • Nee
  • Toe

Popularity of the name Toney:

According to the Social Security Administration, Toney is a common unisex baby name. As a boy’s name, Toney appeared in the top 1000 baby names from 1900 to 1919 and again from 1940 to 1974. It peaked at #574 in 1900. Toney has never ranked in the top 1000 names for girls.

Related names for the name Toney:

Great middle names for the name Toney and their meanings:



  • Mia (mine, bitter)
  • Isabella (pledged to God)
  • Amelia (work)
  • Chloe (young green shoot)
  • Fiadh (wild)
  • Roisin (little rose)
  • Moira (bitter, beloved, drop of the sea)
  • Lina (tender)

Famous people with the name Toney:

  • Toney Lee (American singer, songwriter, and music producer)
  • Toney Mack (American basketball player)
  • Toney Penna (Italian golfer)
  • Toney Clemons (American gridiron football player)
  • Toney Douglas (American basketball player)

Toney in popular culture:

There are no common figures in pop culture named Toney.

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