

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




April was a top 100 baby name during the 1970s and 1980s. While it's fallen back on the list a bit, it remains popular but not quite as popular as other month names, like June and August. The name pairs well with nature middle names like Dawn and Rose to add to its fresh spring vibe, and it's associated with a well-known Greek goddess.

Meaning of the name April:

Latin: To open
American: Fourth month, first full month of spring

Origin of the name April:

The baby name April is derived from the Latin word “aperire,” which means to open. In English-speaking countries like the United States, it's a vocabulary word name that signifies the fourth month of the year and the first full month of spring.

Symbolism of the name April:

For most new parents, April is associated with springtime, so it may symbolize warmer weather, baby animals, flowers blooming and all of the natural events associated with the month.

Style of the name April:


Gender of the name April:

April is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name April:


Number of syllables in the name April:


Emotion evoked from the name April:

Because of its association with spring, the baby name April is sweet and soft and may evoke images of nature and freshness.

Alternative spellings for the name April:

Nicknames for the name April:


Popularity of the name April:

April has been a top 1,000 baby name in the United States since 1939. It even reached the top 100 during the 1970s and 1980s. In 2020, it ranked at number 521.

Related names for the name April:

Great middle names for April and their meanings:

Famous people with the name April:

  • April Bowlby (actress)
  • April Mendez (writer and former wrestler)
  • April Winchell (actress)
  • April Ross (Olympic volleyball player)
  • April Matson (actress)

Aprils in popular culture:

  • April Ludgate (character on the TV show “Parks and Recreation”)
  • April Kepner (character from the TV show “Grey's Anatomy”)
  • April O'Neil (character from the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” franchise)
  • April Stevens Ewing (character from the TV show “Dallas”)
  • April Rhodes (character on the TV show “Glee”)
  • April Burns (character in the movie “Pieces of April”)
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