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Baby Names



Two month old, boy and girl fraternal twin babies. They are sleeping and swaddled together in pink and blue wraps that are tied together in a bow.


Campbell is an ideal example of a surname that can also work as a given name. Popular for centuries as a last name, it has recently also seen some popularity as a first name. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Campbell:

Campbell is a name of Gaelic origin that means “crooked mouth”. The name has been a surname for a long time, but it has increased in popularity over the past decade or so.

Symbolism of the Name Campbell:

Campbell typically symbolizes a family's hope that a child will have a quick wit and a good sense of humor.

Nicknames for the Name Campbell:

If you're in need of a great nickname for Campbell, you're in luck. We've got lots of great choices right here:

  • Camp
  • Campy
  • Bell
  • Belly
  • Bells
  • Camps
  • Cam 
  • Cams
  • Cammy
  • Ell
  • Ells
  • Ellie 
  • Ella 

Style of the Name Campbell:


Gender of the Name Campbell:

Campbell is generally used as a name for both male and female children.

Pronunciation of the Name Campbell:


Number of Syllables in the Name Campbell:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Campbell:

Campbell typically evokes emotions that are related to strength and trust.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Campbell:

Popularity of the Name Campbell:

According to the Social Security Administration, the name Campbell last ranked as one of the most popular baby names in the United States in 2005 for boys at 937th and 2013 at 913th for girls.

Great Middle Names for Campbell and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Campbell:

  • CampbellSaunders (character played by Dylan Everett on Degrassi: The Next Generation)
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