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Baby Names




Kendal is a slightly shorter version of the name Kendall, both of which have been common surnames since the 11th century at least. Of course, the name saw quite a bit of popularity during the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s, thanks to a soap opera character and a supermodel who is part of a famous family. Kendal is a name used for boys and girls, though it's far more common with girls. We like the way it sounds with one-syllable nature middle names, like Rain, Sage, and Rose.

Meaning of the name Kendal:

English: From the valley of the River Kent

Origin of the name Kendal:

Kendal is an Old English surname that was used to describe someone who lived in the valley of the River Kent. Today, there is still a market town in the area in the County of Cumbria named Kendal.

Symbolism of the name Kendal:

Kendal could symbolize English heritage, especially if you or your ancestors are from the area surrounding the River Kent. Fans of the soap opera “All My Children” might choose Kendal because it was the name of a popular character (though it was spelled with an extra “L” on the end. Fans of model and reality star Kendall Jenner may also see the name as symbolic.

Style of the name Kendal:


Gender of the name Kendal:

Kendal is a unisex baby name given to both boys and girls, though it's more common for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Kendal:


Number of syllables in the name Kendal:


Emotion evoked from the name Kendal:

The baby name Kendal evokes images of someone who is compassionate and empathetic.

Alternative spellings for the name Kendal:

Nicknames for the name Kendal:

  • Ken
  • Kenni
  • Kennie
  • Kenny 
  • Kenna

Popularity of the name Kendal:

According to the Social Security Administration, Kendal was a top 1,000 baby name for girls in the United States between 1993 and 2012. It was most popular in 2004 when it ranked at number 513. It last ranked at number 852 in 2012.

Related names for the name Kendal:

Great middle names for Kendal and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Kendal:


Kendals in popular culture:


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