

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Anyssa is a beautiful baby name for girls. Anyssa is a modern take on a traditional Arabic name. Keep reading to learn more facts about the name Anyssa.

Meaning of the name Anyssa:

Arabic for “good-natured; friendly, friend”.

Origin of the name Anyssa:

Anyssa is a name that is a variation of “Anisa”, which is an Arabic name. In fact, the parent name is rooted in Muslim culture as it is the phonetic spelling of the Muslim name “Aanisah”. Anyssa appears to be a slightly updated and modern spin on the traditional baby name.

Symbolism of the name Anyssa:

Anyssa can symbolize one who is open with their feelings and heart. The name Anyssa is gentle, wholesome, and welcoming. This can further allow Anyssa to symbolize someone who is friendly and genuine.

Style of the name Anyssa:


Gender of the name Anyssa:

Anyssa isn’t seen as anything else but a name for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Anyssa:


Number of syllables in the name Anyssa:


Emotion evoked from the name Anyssa:

Anyssa is a sweet and cute name that evokes feelings of happiness and peacefulness.

Alternative spellings for the name Anyssa:

  • Annisa
  • Anissa
  • Anessa

Nicknames for the name Anyssa:

Popularity of the name Anyssa:

According to information from the Social Security Administration, the baby name Anyssa has never made it within the top 1000 of popular names.

Related names for the name Anyssa:

Great middle names for Anyssa and their meanings:

  • Harper (harp player)
  • Kiera (little dark one)
  • Erika (eternal ruler)
  • Sofia (wisdom)
  • Gloria (glory)
  • Diana (divine)
  • Julia (youthful or sky father)
  • Kate (pure)

Famous people with the name Anyssa:

Currently, the baby name Anyssa does not have much popularity among famous people unlike the parent name “Anisa”.

Anyssas in movies/pop culture:

Anyssa is not among the popular names used in pop culture, TV, or film.

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