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Jerimiah is a unique spelling alternative to Jeremiah. It dates back to the Protestant Reformation due to the popularity of the Biblical character, Jeremiah. As of 2021, Jerimiah is only a top 7,000 option for boys.

Meaning of the name Jerimiah:

Hebrew: Yahweh will exalt, appointed by God

Origin of the name Jerimiah:

Jerimiah is a spelling variation of the baby name Jeremiah. Jeremiah comes from the ancient Hebrew title Yirmiyahu. He was one of the major prophets in the Old Testament of the Bible and the author of Jeremiah. Yirmiyahu, the original name, came from two Hebrew words, “rum” and “yah.” Jeremiah and its spelling variations like Jerimiah became popular after the Protestant Reformation.

Symbolism of the name Jerimiah:

Jerimiah has the same meaning as the original, Jeremiah. It comes from the ancient Hebrew title Yirmiyahu. Yirmiyahu combines two Hebrew words, “rum” and “yah.” “Rum” translates to “to exalt,” and “yah” means “Yahweh.”

Style of the name Jerimiah:


Gender of the name Jerimiah:

Jerimiah is a mature name for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Jerimiah:


Number of syllables in the name Jerimiah:


Emotion evoked from the name Jerimiah:

Jerimiah feels mature and noble. It is a wholesome and powerful baby name.

Alternative spellings for the name Jerimiah:

  • Jeremiah 
  • Jeramiah
  • Jeremyah
  • Jerimyah
  • Jeramyah

Nicknames for the name Jerimiah:

Popularity of the name Jerimiah:

Jerimiah was first a top 1,000 baby name in 1977 at rank 777. It remained on the Social Security Popularity Index until 2011 at number 890. Jerimiah ranked highest in 1979 at rank 786. As of 2021, Jerimiah is a top 7,000 option for boys at number 6,931.

Related names for the name Jerimiah:

Great middle names for Jerimiah and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Jerimiah:

There are no famous people with the name Jerimiah.

Jerimiahs in popular culture:

There are no pop culture references to the name Jerimiah.

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