

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Aleyna is a baby girl’s name of Irish and Turkish origin. Aleyna means “beautiful, cheerful” and “on us”. It is more popular in Turkey than the US, where it is a modern name derived from the Quran.

Meaning of the name Aleyna:

Irish: beautiful, cheerful
Turkish: on us

Origin of the name Aleyna:

Aleyna is a baby girl’s name of Irish origin that means “beautiful, cheerful”. Aleyna is a modern variant of Alana and the feminine form of Alan. Aleyna is also a modern Turkish name meaning “on us”, which is a phrase from the Quran.

Symbolism of the name Aleyna:

Aleyna means “beautiful”. There are many different symbols associated with beauty from all over the world. This includes flowers like the calla lily, heather, and orchids, precious stones like pearls and jade, and other things like swans, seashells, and butterflies.

Style of the name Aleyna:


Gender of the name Aleyna:

Aleyna is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Aleyna:


Number of syllables in the name Aleyna:


Emotion evoked from the name Aleyna:

Aleyna evokes feelings of beauty and good cheer.

Alternative spellings for the name Aleyna:

Alana, Alaina, Alayna, Aleina

Nicknames for the name Aleyna:

Popularity of the name Aleyna:

According to the Social Security Administration, Aleyna is an uncommon baby girl’s name that has never appeared in the top 1000 baby names list.

Related names for the name Aleyna:

Great middle names for the name Aleyna and their meanings:

  • Jade (stone of the side)
  • Eden (place of pleasure, delight)
  • Harper (harp player)
  • Cadence (rhythm, beat)
  • Miray (shining like the moon)
  • Zara (blooming flower)
  • Poppy (red flower)
  • Juniper (young)

Famous people with the name Aleyna:

  • Aleyna Tilki (Turkish singer)
  • Aleyna Ozgecen (Turkish actress)
  • Aleyna Dalveren (Turkish actress and singer)
  • Aleyna FitzGerald (Australian actress)
  • Aleyna Solaker (Turkish actress)

Aleyna in popular culture:

  • Aleyna (film, “Descendents 4”)
  • Aleyna Rameriez (media, “Camp Jupiter”)
  • Aleyna Tohsaka (television, “TYPE-MOON”)
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