

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



cute Indian baby girl


Brieanna is a unique spelling variation of the more popular Briana. It will help your daughter stand out from the many other forms, including Breana, Breanna, and Brianna. Currently, Brieanna is only a top 29,000 option in America.

Meaning and Origin of the name Brieanna:

Brieanna is an Irish girl's name of Celtic origin meaning “high,” “elevated,” or “hill.”

Brieanna is a spelling variation of the baby name Briana. Briana first came out in a book called “The Faerie Queene,” written by Edmund Spenser in 1590. It is the feminine form of Brian, which comes from the old Irish word brixs (meaning “hill”) or brigā (meaning “power”). Briana and its spelling variations did not come to America until the 1970s.

Symbolism of the name Brieanna:

Brieanna is a spelling variation of Briana, giving it the same meaning. Briana dates back to the old Irish name Brian, which comes from the word brixs. Brixs translates to “hill,” “high,” or “elevated.” Hills are majestic and beautifully covered in grass and flowers.

Nicknames for the name Brieanna:

Brieanna is a beautifully long name. Its length gives it many options for nicknames. If you are looking for a nickname and need some inspiration, check out the list below. We put together a list of nicknames for the name Brieanna.

Style of the name Brieanna:


Gender of the name Brieanna:

Brieanna is a youthful name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Brieanna:


Number of syllables in the name Brieanna


Emotion evoked from the name Brieanna:

Brieanna feels youthful and modern. It is a trendy and upbeat baby name.

Alternative spellings for the name Brieanna:

Popularity of the name Brieanna:

The Social Security Popularity Index has no records of the baby name Brieanna. It is only a top 29,000 option as of 2021. Brieanna was number 28,955 for girls last year.

Great middle names for Brieanna and their meanings:

  • Jade (stone of the side)
  • Noelle (Christmas day, the Lord's birthday)
  • Grace (God's grace)
  • Marie (star of the sea)
  • Paige (helper, assistant)
  • Joyce (lord, cheerful)
  • Raelyn (ewe, advisor, protector)
  • Kate (pure, clear)

Famous people with the name Brieanna:

There are no fictional references to the name Brieanna.

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