

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The baby name Raelyn has become a popular option for parents of little girls who want to give their child something more modern. It is a combination name that was made up in America by combining two already popular names, Ray or Rae and Lynn. Though only going on the Social Security top 1,000 list in 2009, the name is already a top 400 option.

Meaning of the name Raelyn:

American: combination name

Origin of the name Raelyn:

The baby name Raelyn is a modern name created in America. It is the combination of the baby names Rae and Lyn. It became popularized through the use of suffixes like “-lyn” and “-lynn.” It has only been in just for just over a decade in America.

Symbolism of the name Raelyn:

Raelyn is a combination name, hence why it has no true meaning. It is only the combination of the names Ray or Rae and Lyn or Lynn.

Style of the name Raelyn:


Gender of the name Raelyn:

Raelyn is a baby girl name.

Pronunciation of the name Raelyn:


Number of syllables in the name Raelyn:


Emotion evoked from the name Raelyn:

Raelyn feels young, lighthearted, and trendy. It is a very outgoing name perfect for any exuberant little girl.

Alternative spellings for the name Raelyn:

Nicknames for the name Raelyn:

Popularity of the name Raelyn:

Raelyn was put on the top 1,000 list in 2009 at number 927 overall for girls. In 2015, the name ascended to the top 400 list where it remains today. As of 2020, the name ranks at number 370 for girls overall.

Related names for the name Raelyn:

Great middle names for Raelyn and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Raelyn:

  • Raelyn Nelson (singer, “Weed and Whiskey”)
  • Raelyn Campbell (philanthropist)
  • Raelyn Saalmen (actress, “Babe Watch”)
  • Raelyn Hennessee (actress, “Until the Night”)

Raelyns in popular culture:

  • Raelyn (character from “American Crime”)
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