

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Lilliana is an energetic modern baby name. With its lyrical double consonant and multiple vowel sounds, Lilliana is a trendy alternative to related names like Lilian and Liliana. The name is also relevant in popular culture. Lilliana “Lily” Garcia is a character in the Hourglass series, and Lilliana Zorska is the protagonist of Jane Austen in Manhattan. Keep reading to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Lilliana:

Latin: Lily flower
Hebrew: My God is an oath

Origin of the name Lilliana:

Lilliana has two distinct etymologies. The most recent etymology is the modern elaboration of lilium, the Latin word for “lily flower.” Centuries earlier, Lilliana was also a variant of Lilian (one of many pet names for Elizabeth). The Hebrew meaning of the name Elizabeth is “my God is an oath.”

Symbolism of the name Lilliana:

Lilliana derives from the Latin word lilium (meaning “lily flower”). The symbol for Lilliana is the classic flowering plant. In numerous cultures, the lily represents purity, devotion, and divine motherhood.

Style of the name Lilliana:


Gender of the name Lilliana:

Lilliana is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Lilliana:


Number of syllables in the name Lilliana:


Emotion evoked from the name Lilliana:

The name Lilliana evokes feelings of exuberance and joy.

Alternative spellings for the name Lilliana:

Nicknames for the name Lilliana:

Popularity of the name Lilliana:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Lilliana was the 345th most popular baby girl name in 2020.

Related names for the name Lilliana:

Great middle names for Lilliana and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Lilliana:

Lilliana in popular culture:

  • Lilliana “Lily” Garcia (character in the Hourglass series)
  • Lilliana “Lily” Hoffman (character in the television movie Snow White: A Tale of Terror)
  • Lilliana Jones (titular character of the satirical romantic comedy Lilliana Jones and the Temple of Groom)
  • Lilliana Zorska (protagonist of the movie Jane Austen in Manhattan)
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