

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



baby girl names


Makena is a beautiful baby name used for both boys and girls. Also, the baby name Makena has a few variations that can completely change its origins and meaning. Keep reading to learn more about the name.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Makena:

Makena is a baby name with East African roots. The name Makena is found in the Kikuyu language, further solidifying its origins. However, the variants related to Makena such as “Mackenna” and “Mckenna” have more Irish and Scottish roots than anything, and these variants can also change the meaning behind the name. Makena means “happy one” in Kikuyu.

Symbolism of the Name Makena:

The baby name Makena can serve as a symbol of hope and strength.

Nicknames for the Name Makena:

Makena is a great choice for a name! When choosing a name, it's important to be informed about the nicknames that can be derived from it. Nicknames for Makena include:

Style of the Name Makena:


Gender of the Name Makena:

Makena is known to be unisex, but it’s more widely used for girls than boys.

Pronunciation of the Name Makena:


Number of Syllables in the Name Makena:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Makena:

Makena is a pleasing baby name that feels youthful and exciting.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Makena:

Popularity of the Name Makena:

According to the Social Security Index, Makena sees most of its popularity when used for baby girls. Makena ranked the highest in 2005 when the name made it to #719 for girls. The name last appeared on the top 1,000 list in 2013.

Great Middle Names for Makena and Their Meanings:


  • Natalee (birthday of the Lord)
  • Sophie (wisdom)
  • Willa (resolute protection)
  • Kaycee (brave in battle)
  • Noelle (Christmas)
  • Grace (virtue name)
  • Ivy (botanical name)
  • Blue (color name)


  • Creed (English word name)
  • Gage (oath, pledge)
  • Finn (fair; white)
  • Carl (free man)
  • Asher (happy one, blessed, fortunate)
  • Silas (wood, forest)
  • Duke (English rank of nobility)
  • Marlon (sea fortress)

Famous People with the name Makena:

  • Makena Onjerika (Kenyan writer)

Makenas in Pop Culture:

The baby name Makena isn’t known to be widely used in pop culture.

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