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Schuyler is a classic baby name that made its first appearance as a surname before turning into a given name. The classic Schuyler name is also not as popular and in-demand as its trendy variations. Keep reading to learn more about the name.

Meaning of the name Schuyler:

Dutch for “scholar”.

Origin of the name Schuyler:

Schuyler initially started out as a surname with Dutch origins. It was not until Dutch settlers brought the name over to America that Schuyler began to find use as a given name.

Symbolism of the name Schuyler:

To see the symbolism in a baby name like Schuyler, it helps to dissect how it looks and what it means. Schuyler connects with the “sky”, giving the baby name a connection with the endlessness the sky has to bring. Also, Schuyler can symbolize a connection to wisdom and learning new things.

Style of the name Schuyler:


Gender of the name Schuyler:

Although Schuyler appears more popular among boys, this baby name is used for girls as well.

Pronunciation of the name Schuyler:


Number of syllables in the name Schuyler:


Emotion evoked from the name Schuyler:

Schuyler has an old-school quality about it that brings feelings of nostalgia, compassion, and wisdom.

Alternative spellings for the name Schuyler:

Nicknames for the name Schuyler:

Popularity of the name Schuyler:

According to the Social Security Index, Schuyler saw minimal popularity throughout the years with most of it being in 1982 when it ranked #848 among baby boy names. However, it has yet to rank for girls.

Related names for the name Schuyler:

Great middle names for Schuyler and their meanings:

Baby Boys

Baby Girls

  • Pearl (pearl; gem name)
  • Annette (grace)
  • Ruth (compassionate friend)
  • Ruby (deep red precious stone)
  • Dana (from Denmark; gift, wise)
  • Sage (wise)
  • Alexis (defender)
  • Eloise (healthy; wide)

Famous people with the name Schuyler:

  • Schuyler Bailar (American swimmer)
  • Schuyler Grant (American actress)
  • Schuyler Fisk (American actress, singer)
  • Schuyler Wheeler (American engineer and inventor of the electric fan)
  • Schuyler Erle (American software developer)

Schuylers in movies/pop culture:

  • Schuyler “Sky” Tate (Blue/Red Power Ranger character in Power Rangers SPD)
  • SchuylerElizabeth Van Alen Chase (a character from Blue Bloods series written by Melissa de la Cruz)
  • The Schuyler Sisters (featured in the musical Hamilton)
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