Bryon is a likeable European baby name for boys. Long associated with one of the most popular Celtic names of the 20th century, Bryon has an additional meaning that gives it standout status in popular culture. Bryon is the name of a main character in the Liberty's Kids series, and Bryon Day is the admirable protagonist of the Alpha series by Milly Taiden. Keep reading to learn more about this name.
Meaning of the name Bryon:
Celtic: High, noble, hill
Latin, Greek: Flowering vine
Origin of the name Bryon:
Bryon is an alternative spelling of Brian. This name originates from the Celtic element brîgh (meaning “high,” “noble,” or “valorous”) or from the Celtic word bryn (meaning “hill”). Alternatively, Bryon is also the short form of the name Bryony. This name derives from the Latin word bryōnia (meaning “wild vine”).

Symbolism of the name Bryon:
Bryon is a variation of the Celtic name Brian (meaning “high,” “noble,” or “hill”). It is also a diminutive of Bryony (meaning “vine”). In Greek mythology, the bryony was the sacred plant of nymphs known as the hamadryads. These spiritual entities lived in trees and punished mortals who recklessly harmed wildlife. The symbol of the bryony is the white flower.
Style of the name Bryon:
Gender of the name Bryon:
Bryon is a boy's name.
Pronunciation of the name Bryon:
Number of syllables in the name Bryon:
Emotion evoked from the name Bryon:
The name Bryon evokes feelings of excellence and high esteem.
Alternative spellings for the name Bryon:
Nicknames for the name Bryon:
- Bry
- Bri
- Yon
- Bryn
Popularity of the name Bryon:
According to the Social Security Administration index, Bryon was the 979th most popular baby name for boys in 1997.
Related names for the name Bryon:
Great middle names for Bryon and their meanings:
- Albus (white, bright)
- Bennett (blessed)
- Carlos (free man, strong, virile, vigorous)
- Christopher (bearer of Christ)
- Edmund (wealthy protector)
- Floyd (grey, venerable)
- Godfrey (God's peace)
- Jagger (carter, peddler, agent)
- Joaquin (uplifted by God)
- Raymond (wise counselor, protective advisor)
- Shlomo (peace)
- Todd (fox)
- Warner (army guard)
Famous people with the name Bryon:
- Bryon Donald Baltimore (hockey player)
- Bryon Bos (pastor)
- Bryon Butler (sports broadcaster)
- Bryon Cahill (writer)
- Bryon Anthony McCane II (singer)
- Bryon Nickoloff (chess master)
- Bryon Powell (track athlete)
- Bryon Demetrise Russell (basketball player)
- Bryon Wilfert (politician)
- Bryon Wilson (Olympic skier)
Bryon in popular culture:
- Bryon (character in the Liberty's Kids series)
- Bryon Day (character in the Alpha series by Milly Taiden)