

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Jasmin is a unique alternative to the baby name Jasmine. It was as popular as the original in the 1970s and 1980s as it was on the top 200 list. As of 2021, Jasmin is a top 2,200 option for girls.

Meaning of the name Jasmin:

English: jasmine flower, fragrant flower
German: jasmine flower, fragrant flower
Finnish: jasmine flower, fragrant flower

Origin of the name Jasmin:

Jasmin originated as the German, English, and Finnish versions of Jasmine. Jasmine is a play on the plant with the same title. It comes from the Persian word “yasamin,” another name in the Middle East. Jasmine and Jasmin spread in America in the late twentieth century. They peaked with the movie “Aladdin” in the 1990s.

Symbolism of the name Jasmin:

The baby name Jasmin has the same meaning as Jasmine. Jasmine holds the same title as a plant, giving it the definition of “jasmine flower.” This vegetation has a bright fragrance that is attractive to anyone.

Style of the name Jasmin:


Gender of the name Jasmin:

Jasmin is a refined name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Jasmin:

yas-MEEN or JAZ-min

Number of syllables in the name Jasmin:


Emotion evoked from the name Jasmin:

Jasmin is a youthful and regal baby name. It remains approachable and wholesome.

Alternative spellings for the name Jasmin:

Nicknames for the name Jasmin:

  • Jass
  • Jaz
  • Jazz
  • Min
  • Jas
  • Jazzie
  • Jazzy

Popularity of the name Jasmin:

Jasmin was first a top 1,000 baby name in America in 1974 at rank 829. It remained on the Social Security Popularity Index until 2016 at number 957. Jasmin ranked highest in 1998 when it was 177 for girls. As of 2021, Jasmin is a top 2,200 option at number 2,166.

Related names for the name Jasmin:

Great middle names for Jasmin and their meanings:

  • Grace (God's grace)
  • Isobel (God's promise, pledged to God)
  • Sophia (wisdom, divine wisdom)
  • Annabel (loving, beautiful, lovable)
  • Elise (pledged to God)
  • Aurelia (the golden one)
  • Clarice (bright, clear)
  • Adele (noble, nobility)

Famous people with the name Jasmin:

  • Jasmin Areebi (wrestler)
  • Jasmin Brown (comedian)
  • Jasmin Walia (reality TV star)
  • Jasmin Savoy Brown (actress, “Scream 5”)
  • Jasmin Corley (dancer)
  • Jasmin Bhasin (actress, “Dil Se Dil Tak”)
  • Jasmin Parkin (pianist)
  • Jasmin Cadavid (model)

Jasmins in popular culture:

Jasmin has no fictional references.

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