

Baby Girl Names


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Jenelle is an English baby girl’s name of two origins. Jenelle is an elaboration of the English name Jean and means “virginal, pure”. Jenelle is also related to the Welsh name Jennifer and means “white phantom”. Jenelle was popular during the late 1970s and 80s.

Meaning of the name Jenelle:

English: virginal, pure, white phantom

Origin of the name Jenelle:

Jenelle is a baby girl’s name of English origin. Jenelle comes from the name Jean and means “virginal, pure”. It is also derived from the Welsh name Jennifer meaning “white phantom”.

Symbolism of the name Jenelle:

Jenelle means “pure, virginal” and “white phantom”. Both meanings are tied to the color white. White is the color of purity, health, and holiness, and in many cultures, it is the color that brides wear for their wedding.

Style of the name Jenelle:


Gender of the name Jenelle:

Jenelle is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Jenelle:


Number of syllables in the name Jenelle:


Emotion evoked from the name Jenelle:

Jenelle evokes feelings of beauty and confidence.

Alternative spellings for the name Jenelle:

Janelle, Jaenelle, Jenele, Janele, Jenell, Jenel

Nicknames for the name Jenelle:

Popularity of the name Jenelle:

According to the Social Security Administration, Jenelle is a popular baby girl’s name. Jenelle was in the top 1000 baby names list from 1977 to 1987. It peaked at #685 in 1981.

Related names for the name Jenelle:

Great middle names for the name Jenelle and their meanings:

  • Naomi (pleasantness)
  • Cecelia (blind)
  • Audrey (noble strength)
  • Sadie (princess)
  • Celeste (heavenly)
  • Astrid (divinely beautiful)
  • Evelyn (desired, water, island)
  • Daphne (laurel tree, bay tree)

Famous people with the name Jenelle:

  • Jenelle Evans (American reality TV personality)
  • Jenelle Brown (American reality TV personality)
  • Jenelle Manzi (American ballerina)
  • Jenelle Hutcherson (American beauty queen, stylist, and activist)
  • Jenelle Bayus (American artist)

Jenelle in popular culture:

  • Jenelle Simone (media, “Jessica Jones” franchise)
  • Jenelle Cobbler (video games, “Unforgotten Realms”)
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