

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Gwenda has the ring of an old-fashioned “grandma name,” which is a huge trend right now for baby girls. But unlike some of the more popular options — like Iris, Cora, Eleanore and Evelyn — it's not a name you hear every day. Gwenda comes with a cute nickname and pairs well many middle names. The Welsh moniker also has a very lovely, positive meaning.

Meaning of the name Gwenda:

Welsh: Fair, blessed, good

Origin of the name Gwenda:

Gwenda is a baby name that combines the Welsh words “gwen,” which means fair and “da,” which means good or blessed.

Symbolism of the name Gwenda:

Because of its meaning, Gwenda has a positive meaning. Many parents of the Christian faith may see the name as meaning their daughter is blessed or will have a good life.

Style of the name Gwenda:


Gender of the name Gwenda:

Gwenda is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Gwenda:


Number of syllables in the name Gwenda:


Emotion evoked from the name Gwenda:

The baby name Gwenda evokes positive emotions, like happiness and kindness.

Alternative spellings for the name Gwenda:

  • Gwinda
  • Gwynda
  • Gwennda

Nicknames for the name Gwenda:

  • Gwen

Popularity of the name Gwenda:

Gwenda only made the list of the top 1,000 baby names in 1951, 1952 and 1954. According to the Social Security Administration, it last ranked in 1954 at number 963.

Related names for the name Gwenda:

Great middle names for Gwenda and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Gwenda:

  • Gwenda Blair (author)
  • Gwenda(ambulance driver in World War 1 and race car driver)
  • Gwenda Morgan (artist)
  • Gwenda Thomas (politician)
  • Gwenda Bond (author)

Gwendas in popular culture:

  • Gwenda Halliday (character in the book “Sleeping Murder”)
  • Gwenda Vaughan (character in the book “Ideal by Innocence”)
  • Gwenda (character in the TV miniseries “World Without End”)
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