

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The baby name Kaylea means many things to many people. It even has two unique pronunciations. Some people feel it's a Hawaiian name, while others believe it's derived from the Arabic and Hebrew name, Kayla. Whatever the reason you choose Kaylea, it's a beautiful name for girls that pairs well with traditional and classic middle names and has several fun nicknames.

Meaning of the name Kaylea:

Hawaiian: Flower wreath
Arabic: Laurel crown
Hebrew: Laurel crown
American: Who is like God

Origin of the name Kaylea:

There are several schools of thought when it comes to the origin of the name Kaylea. Many people believe it's derived from Kayla, which has both Arabic and Hebrew origins and means “laurel crown.” Some believe it's a derivative of the Hawaiian name Kaleah, which has a similar meaning, “flower wreath.” Others believe it's simply a made-up American name derived from the popularity of “K” names for girls in recent years.

Symbolism of the name Kaylea:

No matter the origin, the baby name Kaylea seems to have similar meanings throughout various cultures. It could mean “laurel crown,” which was a symbol of victory and success in Ancient Greece. The Hawaiian alternative also means “wreath of flowers.” Wreaths are meant to symbolize the circle of eternal life.

Style of the name Kaylea:


Gender of the name Kaylea:

Kaylea is a girl's baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Kaylea:

KAY-lee or KAH-leah

Number of syllables in the name Kaylea:

Two or three depending on the pronunciation

Emotion evoked from the name Kaylea:

The baby name Kaylea evokes images of someone who is independent and thinks before speaking or making decisions.

Alternative spellings for the name Kaylea:

Nicknames for the name Kaylea:

Popularity of the name Kaylea:

According to the Social Security Administration, Kaylea has never been a top 1,000 baby name in the United States.

Related names for the name Kaylea:

Great middle names for Kaylea and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Kaylea:

Kayleas in popular culture:


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