

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Stacie was quite a popular name for baby girls in the United States throughout the mid and late 20th century, but it fell out of favor during the 1990s. An alternative spelling of Stacy, the name is suitable for both boys and girls, though it's more common for girls these days, and it has two potential origin stories. We like the way it sounds with longer middle names to give it some volume, like Clementine or Valentina.

Meaning of the name Stacie:

Greek: Ressercetion or fruitful

Origin of the name Stacie:

Stacie has two potential origins. As a baby girls' name, it's most likely a derivative of the Greek name Anastasia, which means “resurrection.” As a baby boys' name, it's most likely a derivative of Eustace, which means “fruitful.”

Symbolism of the name Stacie:

Stacie doesn't offer too much in the way of symbolism. Some new parents may see the meaning, “resurrection,” as a symbol of their little one bringing their family to life after a difficult situation. It could also represent their faith in Jesus. When used for a boy, it could symbolize an addition to a large family with a many kids.

Style of the name Stacie:


Gender of the name Stacie:

Stacie is a unisex baby name, though it's more common for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Stacie:


Number of syllables in the name Stacie:


Emotion evoked from the name Stacie:

The baby name Stacie evokes images of someone who is optimistic and inspiring.

Alternative spellings for the name Stacie:

  • Stacy 
  • Stacey
  • Staci
  • Staecie
  • Staecy

Nicknames for the name Stacie:

  • Stace

Popularity of the name Stacie:

According to the Social Security Administration, Stacie was a top 1,000 baby name for girls in the United States between 1956 and 1996. It was most popular in 1971 when it ranked at number 131. It last ranked at number 882 in 1996.

Related names for the name Stacie:

Great middle names for Stacie and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Stacie:

Stacies in popular culture:

  • Stacie Monroe (character on the TV show “Hustle”)
  • Stacie Roberts (Barbie doll and sister to Barbie)
  • Stacie Conrad (character in the movie “Pitch Perfect”)
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