

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Giovany is a unique baby name that is a variation of the ever-popular Giovanni. This spelling option has a more urban flair to it, making it slightly trendier. Giovanny is not a top 1,000 name option in America yet, however, unlike Giovanni's placement at rank 120.

Meaning of the name Giovany:

Italian: God is gracious

Origin of the name Giovany:

Giovany is a spelling variation of the original Italian name Giovanni. This is the Italian version of the Hebrew Iohannes, the same name used to create John in English. Giovanni, and the alternative Giovany, were created in Italy in the Middle Ages.

Symbolism of the name Giovany:

The baby name Giovanny means “God is gracious” because it comes from the Biblical and Hebrew name Iohannes. Ultimately, it is just the Italian version of the English baby name John.

Style of the name Giovany:


Gender of the name Giovany:

Giovany is an Italian baby name for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Giovany:


Number of syllables in the name Giovany:


Emotion evoked from the name Giovany:

Giovany feels international and strong. It is a refined and formal baby name with almost a serious vibe.

Alternative spellings for the name Giovany:

Nicknames for the name Giovany:

Popularity of the name Giovany:

This spelling variation, Giovany, is not on the top 1,000 list in America. The original, Giovanni, however, has been a top 200 name since 2003 in America. As of 2020, it was rank 120.

Related names for the name Giovany:

Great middle names for Giovany and their meanings:

  • Oscar (spear of the gods)
  • Stefan (crown, wreath)
  • Magnus (great)
  • Felix (lucky, fortunate)
  • Leo (lion, brave-hearted, lion-hearted)
  • Lane (path, roadway)
  • Hugo (heart, mind, spirit)
  • Tobias (Jehovah is good)

Famous people with the name Giovany:

  • Giovany Arteaga (jazz musician, saxophonist)
  • Giovany Davila (actor, “El Secreto de Tono Palomino”)
  • Giovany Vito (actor, “Bareback Boys”)

Giovanys in popular culture:

As of this year, there are no popular fictional references to the rare baby name Giovanny.

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