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Karly is a rarer alternative to the ever-popular Carly. It is only a top 4,700 option on the Social Security Popularity Index. Karly is closer to the original Germanic name, Karl, however.

Meaning of the name Karly:

German: man, free man
English: man, free man

Origin of the name Karly:

Karly is a spelling variation of the baby name Carly. Carly originated as the feminine version of Carl, the German form of Charles. Charles comes from the ancient Germanic title Karl, which comes from the word “karl.” “Karl” translates to “man” or “free man” in English. Charles and Carl migrated to America in the nineteenth century, encouraging the inspiration for Carly and Karly.

Symbolism of the name Karly:

Karly has the same meaning as Carl and Charles. Carl is the masculine form of Carly, the original spelling of Karly. Charles inspired Carl in Germany. All four of these titles date back to the ancient Germanic word “karl.” “Karl” translates to “man” or “free man.”

Style of the name Karly:


Gender of the name Karly:

Karly is a youthful name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Karly:


Number of syllables in the name Karly:


Emotion evoked from the name Karly:

Karly is a wholesome and youthful baby name. It is upbeat and approachable.

Alternative spellings for the name Karly:

Nicknames for the name Karly:

  • Kay 
  • Kar
  • Kar Kar
  • KK
  • Kit Kat

Popularity of the name Karly:

Karly was first a top 1,000 baby name on the Social Security Popularity Index in 1984 at rank 966. It remained on the list until 2013 when it was number 990. Karly ranked highest in 1992 at rank 558. As of 2021, Karly is a top 4,700 option at number 4,627.

Related names for the name Karly:

Great middle names for Karly and their meanings:

  • Marie (star of the sea)
  • Grace (God's grace)
  • Nicole (people of victory, victory of the people)
  • Abigail (father's joy, cause of joy)
  • Beth (house of figs, my God is an oath)
  • Madison (son of Matthew)
  • Rebekah (captivating beauty)
  • Elizabeth (my God is an oath)

Famous people with the name Karly:

  • Karly Rothenberg (actress, “Ice Dreams”)
  • Karly Morales (journalist, historian)
  • Karly Robertson (figure skater)
  • Karly Shorr (snowboarder)
  • Karly Ashworth (model, reality TV star, “Big Brother 10”)

Karlys in popular culture:

  • Karly Stone (character from “The Stones”)
  • Karly (the name of a “Groovy Girls” doll)
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