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Rilee is a unisex baby name and a variant spelling of Riley. Rilee is of English origin and means “rye clearing”. It is also of Irish origin and means “sociable people” and comes from the surname Reilly. Rilee is an uncommon spelling that has never been in the top 1000 baby names.

Meaning of the name Rilee:

English: rye clearing
Irish: sociable people

Origin of the name Rilee:

Rilee is a modern unisex baby name that comes from two separate sources. As an English name, Rilee means “rye clearing”. As an Irish name, Rilee means “sociable people” and comes from the surname Reilly. It is the Anglicized version of the name Ó Raghallaigh. Rilee is a modern variant spelling of Riley.

Symbolism of the name Rilee:

Rilee means “rye clearing”. Rye was a staple grain during the medieval period. It was used to make bread as well as other popular dishes.

Style of the name Rilee:


Gender of the name Rilee:

Rilee is a unisex baby name given to both boys and girls.

Pronunciation of the name Rilee:


Number of syllables in the name Rilee:


Emotion evoked from the name Rilee:

Rilee evokes feelings of friendliness and compassion.

Alternative spellings for the name Rilee:

Riley, Reilly, Reilee, Reiley, Rhiley, Rhilee

Nicknames for the name Rilee:

Popularity of the name Rilee:

According to the Social Security Administration, Rilee is an uncommon unisex baby name. Rilee has never appeared in the top 1000 baby names list.

Related names for the name Rilee:

Great middle names for the name Rilee and their meanings:



Famous people with the name Rilee:

  • Rilee Rossouw (South African cricketeer)
  • Rilee Read (American volleyball player)
  • Rilee Seering (American soccer player)
  • Rilee Noonan (American model)
  • Rilee Williams (American fitness expert)

Rilee in popular culture:

  • Rilee Selena Caryway (literature, “The Adventures of Maia Scott”)
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