Whitney is an English name that means “white island.’ Whitney is also an Old English surname. Although it is considered a unisex name, it is more commonly used as a feminine name. Whitney surged to popularity in the 80s and 90s due in part to famous singer Whitney Houston. Keep reading to find out more about the name Whitney.
Meaning and Origin of the name Whitney:
The name Whitney comes from Old English origins. Whitney is a unisex English baby name that means “white island.” Whitney was an Old English surname before becoming popular as a given name.
Symbolism of the name Whitney:
Whitney was originally an Old English surname that referred to people who were from the settlement Whitney in Herefordshire, England.
Nicknames for the name Whitney:
- Whit
- Neya
- Ney
- Tiny
- WhitWhit
- Wite

Style of the name Whitney:
Gender of the name Whitney:
Whitney is a name chosen for both boys and girls.
Pronunciation of the name Whitney:
Number of syllables in the name Whitney:
Emotion evoked from the name Whitney:
Whitney evokes feelings of strength and passion.
Alternative spellings for the name Whitney:
Witney, Whitny, Witenie
Popularity of the name Whitney:
According to the Social Security Administration, Whitney is a popular unisex baby name. As a girl’s name, Whitney entered the top 1000 baby names in 1962 and was in the top 100 from 1985 to 1994. As a boy’s name, Whitney was in the top 1000 baby names sporadically from 1900 to 1961 before it appeared every year until 1988.
Related names for the name Whitney:
Great middle names for the name Whitney and their meanings:
- Paget (page)
- Cedric (bounty)
- Evander (archer)
- Alistair (defending men)
- Edmund (fortunate protector)
- Benedict (blessed)
- Aaron (high mountain, exalted)
- Joshua (God is my salvation)
- Jane (God is gracious)
- Emma (universal)
- Isabella (pledged to God)
- Sofia (wisdom)
- Sienna (orange-red color clay)
- Chloe (young green shoots)
- Zoe (life)
- Skye (from the Isle of Skye)
Famous people with the name Whitney:
- Whitney Houston (American pop singer and actress)
- Whitney Cummings (American comedienne and actress)
- Whitney Duncan (American country music singer)
- Whitney Thompson (American model)
- Whitney Engen (American soccer player)
Whitneys in popular culture:
- Whitney Hughes (film, Benji)
- Whitney Dean (television, Eastenders)
- Whitney (video games/television, Pokemon series)
- Whitney Russell (television, Passions)
- Whitney Greene (literature, Just Listen by Sarah Dessen)
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