

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



A little girl


The earliest known usage of the name Allison dates back to 12th century Scotland. A version of it even appeared in The Canterbury Tales, and, in 1977, singer Elvis Costello recorded a song called “Allison”. Today, various spellings of Allison are some of the most popular female baby names in the United States, and it's been that way for decades.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Allison:

The name Allison dates back to the Middle Ages, where it began as a nickname for the name Alice or the name for a child of Alice. It was originally a male name, but over the last century, it has generally been used for baby girls. The name has similar meanings in Scottish and Irish, meaning “noble” and “of noble birth”, respectively. In German, the name means “child of the noble one”, while in Greek it means “truth”. Finally, in French the name is interpreted to mean “little Alice or son of Alice”.

Symbolism of the Name Allison:

The name Allison represents nobility, leadership and strength.

Nicknames for the Name Allison:

Allison is a popular name with many nicknames to go with it. The name is often shortened to Ally, but there are many other choices if that isn't to your liking. Take a look at the list:

  • Ali 
  • Ally
  • Allie 
  • Alley
  • Al
  • Aley
  • Alie
  • Als
  • Ison
  • Aller
  • Allers
  • Sonny
  • Sons
  • Lison
  • Lisa
  • Lis
  • Liz 
Baby names Alison

Style of the Name Allison:


Gender of the Name Allison:

Allison was once a name for boys and girls, but today, it is generally used for girls in the United States.

Pronunciation of the Name Allison:


Number of Syllables in the Name Allison:


Emotions Evoked by the Name Allison:

The baby name Allison evokes an image of a strong-willed individual who is ambitious and successful.

Alternative Spellings of the Name Allison:

mother playing with little daughter on a tropical beach
Mother playing with her little daughter on a tropical beach.


Popularity of the Name Allison:

According to the Social Security Administration, Allison fell out of the top 100 for the first time in 2022. The name ranked at 101 that year.

Great Middle Names for Allison and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Allison:

Allisons From Pop Culture:

  • Allison Argent (character in the TV show “Teen Wolf”)
  • Allison Reynolds (character in the movie The Breakfast Club)
  • Allison Dubois (character on the TV show “Medium”)
  • Allison Taylor (fictional president on the TV show “24”)
  • Alison Blaire (fictional superhero in Marvel Comics)
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